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Residential Fire & Smoke Damage Restoration in Hilliard

Let’s Get Your Home Back to Normal

Experiencing fire damage to your home can be very traumatic, as your home is where memories are made. That’s why ServiceMaster Restoration by Martin makes every effort to restore your home the way you remember it. We want to put the devastation of fire or smoke damage behind you so that you can make new memories.

Our team is specialized in all fire damage repairs to ensure you full recovery of your home, working with you every step of the way so you can be worry free!

We provide fire and smoke damage services including:

  • Fire Damage Cleanup
  • Fire Damage Repair
  • Smoke Odor Removal
  • Contents Cleaning & Pack-Out Services
  • Debris Removal
  • Furniture & Upholstery Cleaning

All of our certified technicians have extensive experience dealing with residential fire damage, smoke damage and soot removal. We can help restore your home to its pre-fire condition in a safe and timely manner.

Don’t let a fire damage your life any longer! Contact us online and get fire restoration in hilliard today. Our team is here to bring your home back to life!

fire restoration process

Our fire restoration process is thorough because the effects of fire damage can linger long after the disaster happens.

We go deeper than your average restoration company to not only rebuild but eliminate soot, odor and any other reminder that a fire had occurred.

Here’s how we restore your home to its pre-loss condition:

  • We identify the type of fire that occurred: This is crucial because different types of fires require different solutions. Protein fires from cooking, complex fires from synthetics, furnace malfunctions and natural fires each present unique challenges.
  • We evaluate firefighting results: Fire damage and water damage tend to go hand-in-hand. After firefighters respond, your home suffer water damage that needs to be mitigated, as well.
  • We take inventory of everything that may have been damaged: Our pack-out and clean-up process gets rid of the things that are damaged beyond repair while salvaging that things that can be saved.
  • We make your house feel like home again: This is where we do the hard work of rebuilding your home. This includes removing any charred structural elements, such as insulation and wood, treating smoke odors and recreating your home they way it was.

Looking for professional fire and smoke damage restoration services near you? Our team has got you covered! Reach out to usonline or call(614) 714-5686.

Here’s What You Can Do Until We Arrive

At ServiceMaster Restoration by Martin, we understand that fires and smoke damage can happen at any moments notice which is why we provide 24/7 fire restoration services to Hilliard and the surrounding areas.

We pride ourselves on providing speedy responses to fire damage emergences 24/7 to ensure damages are gone before they get worse.,

However, there are steps you can take in the meantime to prevent further damage:

  • Open windows to air out the house.
  • Clean laminate surfaces, such as floors and countertops, along with chrome, aluminum and porcelain fixtures to prevent permeant tarnishing or etching.
  • Change the air filter in your central air system, then tape cheese cloth over the supply registers and air returns to help filter out soot particles.
  • Send clothing to a restoration dry cleaner who may be able to salvage them.

Fire damage restoration - FAQ

Is anything salvageable after a fire?

Once fire has gone through a property, it can seem impossible to determine what fire damage can be salvaged.

While any pieces of furniture and appliances that were directly exposed to flames may be unsalvageable, goods made of materials like metal and glass often can survive. Items such as silverware, jewelry, documents sealed in plastic sleeves or briefcases, photographs, and other antiques may all be retrieved and restored to their original condition.

It is essential to seek professional help while assessing the damage after a fire, as certain items may appear burned beyond repair when they can actually be rescued with careful attention.

It is also important to note that items that are salvageable must be examined and treated as if left untreated it can lead to structural damage, lingering odors, and worst of all severe health risks.

For questions and more information on fire restoration, call(614) 714-5686 or contact us online today!

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