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Content & Document Drying Services in Sacramento

Restoration Professionals Near You

Wet documents in need of content and document drying services in SacramentoWhether a burst pipe or a natural flood is the root of your problem, ServiceMaster Restoration Services - Sacramento can help. We have the tools and knowledge necessary to help restore your invaluable records and documents after a storm or flood. Water damage creates tricky and complex restoration scenarios that require advanced knowledge and experience. While many immediately think of the damage done to flooring, ceilings, and furniture, its highly destructive impact on paper-based items can be devastating.

Contact us online or call (916) 299-7664 for content and document drying services in Sacramento.

Moisture and humidity can damage many items in your home, such as:

  • Photos
  • Tax documents
  • Contracts
  • Licenses
  • Educational certificates
  • Credentials
  • Identification papers
  • Passports
  • Legal documents
  • And much more!

Expert Content & Document Restoration Services Near You

If you’ve experienced water damage and are looking for expert restoration assistance, reach out immediately. Our Sacramento restoration team will go above and beyond to return your documents to pre-loss condition.

Water damage can quickly alter the physical state of paper items and documents. If left untreated, the growth of mold and mildew can also create a health hazard. That is why it is so important to call a professional restoration technician right away. Because water-damaged paper deteriorates quickly, it is critical to stop the spread and progression of deterioration as fast as possible. Let us protect your valuable and irreplaceable documents when time is still on your side!

Stop Irreparable Damage with Document Restoration Services

When your home or business is affected by water damage, we need to act fast to save sensitive materials. Our document restoration professionals will show up promptly and fully equipped to deploy advanced document-drying and paper restoration techniques. While it might be impossible to reverse the damaging effects of water damage, we can stop the damage in its tracks.

Even in our electronic-based world, many individuals save essential documents in paper form somewhere on their property. Our goal is to dry, preserve, and restore these documents to the best of our ability.

Our document drying & restoration services rely on cutting-edge solutions, including:

  • Vacuum freeze-drying
  • Microbial disinfecting
  • Ultrasonic separation
  • Deodorizing, sanitizing, and gamma-ray irradiation
  • And much more!

To request our content & document drying services, call (916) 299-7664 or contact us online anytime.

Restoring Peace of Mind

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